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Our Story

I Believe in Advocating & Uplifting All Students

SchoolStaffMerch was founded to inspire the sometimes difficult but always necessaryconversations we need to have with students. It began with a School Psychologist's vision to bring more positive messages within the school walls. Messages that would inspire both children, teachers and school staff to talk about inclusion, diversity, mental health and building positive relationships. 

It all began with something as simple as t-shirts. You might not think twice about this simple, everyday piece of clothing. But the print on an adult’s shirt is placed right at the eye level of a child. It’s important to meet children at their level when talking about difficult subjects like insecurity, worries, shame or vulnerabilities. That’s why the right quote on a shirt can feel so reassuring, comforting, and empowering to a child. 

“And let’s face it… Teachers like the comfort of an easygoing tee too, so why not use that space to advocate and empower your students?”

Many children are visual learners. In fact, they use all their senses to learn. Placing visual quotes and illustrations around the school will keep these conversations at the forefront. 

“Let’s bring positive quotes into the classrooms and wider society. Statements about equity, respect, collaboration and acceptance gain greater power the more they’re seen.”

The most important lesson we can teach children is… to accept diversity as a strength and benefit. Respecting differences of race, class, disabilities, gender, language, ethnicity, religion, etc., is valuable for all children. Everyone wins from being able to form relationships with each other regardless of background. 

“We learn more from those who are different from ourselves, than from only hanging out with those exactly like us.”

Together, we can give children a voice. The merchandise is simply a creative way to help more children feel heard, secure, and valued by teachers, staff and other students. As school staff, we all need to collaboratively work together to strengthen relationships between teachers and students. We need to use our collective power to advocate for acceptance and bring about positive change. 

“Only through powerful advocacy and by standing together, can we continue to push the educational system and community forward.”

School Staff Merch is not only by educators for educators. We’re here for the children who need adults to listen and advocate for them.